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Fun, cool, easy-to-share formats

Helps to engage writing, achieve a success, and easily share with loved ones near and far.

Real-time writing support

Scaffold students with signal words that automatically map to the writing plan you choose.

Then add customized words and phrases you would like to reinforce.

Track students at a glance

A simpler pathway to individualized encouragement and feedback. Quickly zoom in from a class view to the details of what one student is doing now.

Frequently asked questions about

Our mission?
At Pressto, we are working hard addressing one of the big problems of our time ... better communication through writing, especially as it relates to a healthier future of work/creator culture and democracy. This is our Mount Everest!
How will Pressto use AI?
Pressto will use AI to generate prompts and lesson plans for teachers. AI will power us to cover far more knowledge and far greater depth of subject matter than any teacher could possibly know, or any textbook could possibly provide. This will allow our software and teachers to meet each student where they are, with their knowledge of the world around them and the things that they're most interested in. AI will empower teachers using Pressto to have an even more positive impact on students who have been marginalized in the past because of their experiences which are different from those of their teachers and beyond the reach of curriculum developers. And students who are suffer from social and emotional issues and those with other blockers to their educational progress will be learning for the first time with a customized lens through which they can see. If deployed meaningfully and with proper validation in the classroom, Teachers + Pressto + AI has the potential to be a formula that provides a more equitable experience for all students.
What is Pressto?
Pressto motivates students to write more. Our approach is student journalism. Students make Presstos (zines and other online formats) to develop their voice, agency, and share their ideas. Developed by educators and journalists, Pressto gives smart hints and real-time feedback that teach kids the fundamentals of writing. Teachers can use Pressto across a range of subject areas and define writing goals for students to hone their skills.
How does Pressto work?
Pressto sparks curiosity by making it easy to individualize attention. 

• It helps students write about what they're learning in meaningful ways.  

• It gives automated feedback, celebrating what's done well, while inspiring and encouraging ways to write it better. 

• It promotes a process of reflection and sharing as they revise 

• Students can publish to their teacher, family, friends, or ‘the world’.
How can I get Pressto in my class/school?
Just sign-up by clicking ‘get started’. And please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, including a demo request. 
What does Pressto do with my information?
Pressto has a strict security protocol and does not sell nor provide user information to any third party.

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