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Winter Prompts

Cause & effect

Winter Gratitude

The holiday season is a great time to remember all the things we are grateful for. Have students brainstorm a list of everything they are grateful for and think about the effects that these things have on their lives.

Student Directions:  What are you grateful for? How do these people, places, or things affect your life? Use the Cause and Effect Pressto to explain. For example, if you are grateful for your teacher, it might be because the effect your teacher has had on you is helping you become a stronger writer! 


Nature Walk

As the weather starts to cool and the snow starts to fall, it can be fun to look outside and notice the changes of Winter! Go on a nature walk or a walk around your school. Have students write about what they noticed on their walk using the Description writing plan.

Student Directions: Use the Description writing plan to describe what you noticed as we went on our nature walk. Include your senses - what did you see, feel, smell, hear, or even taste as we went on our walk?

Anytime Prompts


Class Interview

Read our Zine

School is in full swing and your class has settled into a routine. You may even have some class traditions or inside jokes. Celebrate the year so far by having students create a zine about your class! To get started, you can share the list of questions below with your students. Students can answer the questions themselves, but we think it would be fun if students use them to interview their classmates! 

Student Interview Questions: 

What is your favorite part of our classroom? Why?
What is your favorite thing we have learned this year?
What makes our class special?
What is your favorite activity we do together? 
Describe a time that you worked with a partner or group in our class. What did you like about working together? 
What are your hopes for the rest of our school year in our class?
What are you excited about? 

Student Directions: Write a zine about our class! To get started, interview your classmates about our year so far. Once you complete your interviews, use the information you gathered to create a zine in Pressto using a Description writing plan.